How Do We Cure The "Virus" Of Travel During The COVID-19 Pandemic?

How Do We Cure The "Virus" Of Travel During The COVID-19 Pandemic?

Every beginning of the year brings the desire to make plans for the new year, including travel. Unfortunately, the year 2020 started quite critically in this regard and limited our freedom of movement.

No matter how long the coronavirus pandemic lasts, it will go away, even if not as fast as we would have expected. Life goes on, and there will undoubtedly be life after the coronavirus. But what do we do until then? How do we satisfy our desire to travel?

The most important thing is to stay healthy and strictly follow everything that helps us in this regard and is recommended to us by health professionals. Thus, we can remain positive, and an optimistic attitude will help us plan for the upcoming holidays. How do we do this?

  • We make a list of all the destinations we want to reach in the future. This will help us to be selective when it comes to finding information about those places.

  • We read a travel book. Either from your own library, and travel enthusiasts certainly have a library full of such books, either we order from online bookstore sites or download it for free in ebook or .pdf format if we find it that way.

  • We're watching a travel movie. How can we transpose ourselves more into another world than watching a movie? Now is the time to do it, and on the internet or TV, we find many such films. At the same time, we can watch channels that broadcast travel documentaries. Read about options in my Netflix Travel Movies

  • We visit museums that offer free virtual tours. And here is a whole list of such museums. Some can organize such tours permanently, others only during this period. Therefore, we can get an idea about specific collections, and we can decide if we will visit them physically and in the future when we arrive at that destination. One of the museums that can be visited virtually is the British Museum. It provides written and audio information about the museum's exhibits in different categories.

  • We are building our vacation. Before writing on this site, I made a file with a well-developed route for each trip. From the necessary means of transport to accommodation, restaurant and tourist attractions to visit. Now you have enough time to do this, that is, to search the internet for information about future accommodations, restaurants, and sights to visit on a next vacation or a tour. If you are not the type of DIY traveler, then you can contact a travel agency to let them know what you want for a future vacation, and they will let you know when is the best time to travel and what options are available.

Read also What should we do before we go on vacation?

So, we should take advantage of this time for relaxation and information because panic does not lead to anything good. One day and I hope this happens as soon as possible, the world will resume its ordinary course, and the only virus we would gladly embrace is that of travel!