7 Convenient Tips For Expats

7 Convenient Tips For Expats

Have you been bitten by the travel bug and decided that it's pretty convenient to work abroad? Make a career across the border; you go #girlboss! But how to proceed? Learning the language is not that easy, and your social life is not as vibrant as you had thought. I got you! I've been living now in country number five, so I have some experience with this. Below you will find seven handy tips and tricks for expats like you and me.

Tip 1: Do your research

Yes, because that's where it all starts. Find out about the local habits, what are their eating habits, which holidays do they celebrate, and about the legal system. It will probably all be very different than in your country. Therefore prepare well. The chance of a culture shock is much smaller and makes networking with the locals much more comfortable. 

Tip 2: Make a checklist before you leave

Of course, you do not go to the other side of the world completely unprepared; making a checklist before you leave is always handy. Because honestly, who knows exactly how it is to arrange a work visa or health insurance? There is a lot to see when moving abroad so here is a tip: create a list you ith everything you have to do. It prevents a lot of unnecessary stress. Subscribe to my newsletter, and you will receive my personal checklist.

Tip 3: Be realistic

You have definitely mapped it out for yourself. You meet all welcoming locals in the neighborhood, meet a friendly fellow expat, and in no time have a super exciting social life with 100 dinners and sangrias. Yes, you hope that it goes like this, but of course, there is a good chance that this is disappointing. Step in realistically in this new expat adventure, because no, it probably will not be significant from the beginning. Maybe you're bothered by homesickness in the beginning or these not so lovely new locals are hard to mix with. No worries! Take your time, settle down and it will be okay.

Tip 4: Keep everyone informed

Long-life The Digital Age! This makes this tip super easy. Your career adventure does not have to mean that your social life in the new county is diluting. In fact, how nice it is to keep the contact well and to receive them occasionally. Keep your friends and family informed about what you're doing through Skype or Facetime. This gives you some more pastime in your free time and helps to ward off your homesickness. A win-win situation.

Tip 5: Create local friends

This is obvious, but that does not mean that this tip does not belong to this list. It seems very simple, but it can sometimes still be quite a challenge. Do not lock yourself in your apartment, but force yourself to go out and practice with the language. Google (maps, translate) is your best friend. Check where the hip bars and lunchrooms are and go there once. If necessary alone, with your book or something. Pick up a subscription at a gym and try a yoga class once.

Tip 6: Learn the language

If you are going to live in an English speaking country, this is a piece of cake. But for the girlbosses who move to a country where no (or hardly) English is spoken, this tip is a good one. You cannot start early enough, so even before you leave, you can start working on this. And no, it will probably not succeed within a month, but also the basics come in handy. Just start with standard phrases and build it up slowly. Then the local coffee shops and supermarket employees in the career country are also happy.

Tip 7: Get busy

Allow yourself to enjoy it because boredom is your biggest enemy. That is why you are working on different projects. From a vision board to a vegetable garden, a language course or a photography course. You name it! Make sure you stay nice and do not just sit in your room.


These were seven handy tips for expats. With these tips in the pocket, it will be all right with you and your new adventure. You rock!