Why You Should Do Social Media Well Or Just Not Do It At All

Why You Should Do Social Media Well Or Just Not Do It At All

Entrepreneurs are increasingly finding their way to social media and, fortunately, also more often they get to see the potential of each platform. Unfortunately, there are also plenty of companies that have no idea what is right to do after starting. Bummer! Because this can also be harmful to your company or can cost you precious time and you might not take advantage of free advertising. Therefore, I will tell you what you absolutely should not do as a social media company.

What is happening

Starting without a plan and giving one employee the task of social media. At many companies, social media is the neglected child, and the very last person is deployed for this. Without a plan, without a vision and just freehand. Think alone or brainstorm together beforehand and think carefully about what your company should radiate, what your mission is, and why you want to use social media. If it is only to attract more customers, it makes little sense. Having a digital marketing plan will help you develop your company by mean you have never imagined.


Social media is the perfect way to connect with your target group, but not for cold sales. So don't just send random people messages with an offer or ask if you can do something for them. This is old-fashioned, and people find it annoying. Focus on non-binding content that people automatically hook up on if it is interesting enough for them. Share as much as possible content within your niche, even though that will not necessarily conveying into a sale, that will create a community and a target group that will share your details if they heard someone is in need of something you sell.

What do you think about the weather?

Content without purpose, you better save for stories. In Instagram stories, you can deal with less rigorous topics, show behind the scenes, and there is not always something directly for your followers. Stop telling stories like you would in group 5. 'This weekend we went to the beach, and it was lovely weather. And then I went to work on a project because ... 'etc. JUST DO NOT DO IT!

This content probably interests your followers very little, and we see too much on social media. Do bring real value to your content and keep the stories for Instagram stories.

Blackening or cursing people

Self-explanatory, but above all, try to be positive. If someone sends you a negative message, keep it fresh, and act professionally. Besides, it is also essential that EVERYONE gets a message back if they have bothered to respond. Otherwise, they will not do this so quickly next time and it will hurt your engagement. No matter how small the news is, always respond!

Too much

Posting once a day on social media is more than enough to combat overkill. So focus on good quality content. Don’t stress on creating a lot of content and then post it all in less than a week, just because you have it and you like it. This will give you a lot of pressure to get more content created and on top of it, if you don’t, the algorithm of any social platform will not consider you relevant.

So let's go! Get started with your social media and keep these tips in mind. Would you like me to help out? Send me a message and we can work together.