What I Love And Hate About Blogging

What I Love And Hate About Blogging

What I Love And Hate About Blogging

What I Love And Hate About Blogging

I'm so proud of the blogging industry, and many have developed over time so much. Nowadays, bloggers are using their popularity and call for more sustainability worldwide. I admire such power women (hashtag girlboss) Of course men are also there, but still #girlpower

When I started this journey, I would not have dreamed that it would be my job. Sounds too good to be true; do what you love and also earn money with it! And yet, there are some things that I observe that I do not like so much, and other things that are developing so well, so today's a little list of what I like and dislike:

What I do not like:

· when (very famous) bloggers are not showing reality. What for? The readers are fooled with a "reality" that not even those bloggers can see. I met a few of these bloggers at different travel conferences, and yeah, it's a bit embarrassing when you realized the lifestyle portraited on Instagram is completely different than reality.

· dishonest bloggers whose opinions are on sale. I hate when I get an email saying, "promote me and I will pay you" Why would I try to promote something I didn't even try, and I don't know if it's good or not or if I like it or not!

· if bloggers do not link to each other and write in the post "a few bloggers and I were ..." instead.

· one sponsored contribution after the other; or if the blog looks like an online shop and the reader is animated everywhere for shopping.

· if the number of Instagram followers measures the "value" of the blog. Sure, I have very few followers on Instagram compared to other travel bloggers. Personally, I do not feel like adjusting my Instagram feed to get more followers. Instagram is part of the blog, but on my blog, I am still free, and master of all things and I am not dependent on any big corporation; I can decide for myself what happens to it. On social media platforms one hand over the control to the others and I prefer it, I have the helm in my own hands. What a pity if the quality of the blog is made dependent on Instagram. Am I the only one that thinks like this? 

· When emails start with "Dear Blogger ...".

· Greed some blogger but not all

· tens of thousands of spam emails

What I like:

· when bloggers publish great content, such as Sorrels – Advanced Selfie Course or Helene in Between – Advanced Blogger Course.

· all the friendships created by blogging. I got to know so many great and inspiring people through blogging, and I do not want to miss them anymore! Veera is just one of the many, and I also adore my monthly meet-ups with Anne, since we first met in Hamburg last year.

· If bloggers support each other, link, mention, and recommend, and there is no disfavor! Although it has become rarer, but still available.

· all the great trips, for which I am very thankful. I travel privately, and if it is yet connected with the profession, it is all the better!

·        My blog is my Castle - I appreciate it very much that I cannot put myself under pressure to blog and write about everything and want what comes to my mind.

What is more beautiful and liberating? I never want to take away this independence.

· the readers and the feedback. Your comments that make me laugh or think, the exchange, the dear mail, even fan mail (!!), encounters on the streets or events. Without you, it would be only half the fun.

· What I like are events where you can exchange ideas and network.

· Businesses come to one and want to pay for work right from the start, without coupons or curling irons.

Do you watch the evolution of bloggers? What did you notice?