The 3 Tips To Better Deal With Social Media Stress

The 3 Tips To Better Deal With Social Media Stress

I remember well that as a young girl, I always found other women more beautiful than myself. Girlfriends, classmates, the teacher: they were all beautiful. Not me. But this never stopped me to be confident! I was always ready for the show.

The pressure to look as good as possible is enormous

This uncertainty among teenagers and young women probably plays an even greater role today than it did back in my youth. Social media is becoming increasingly important and more accessible to young people. Day in and day out, we are confronted with 'perfect' bodies, outfits, and peaked skins without pigmentation, spots, wrinkles, or acne. The pressure to look as good as possible is enormous. If you scroll your Instagram long enough, you can compare yourself to an infinite number of women every day.

Does this make us happy? No. And to be honest, we all secretly suffer from social media stress. Do you recognize it? I am sure you do! To help you out a bit about "The perfect picture dream," I share the three tips for dealing better with social media stress. Are you ready for it? Here they come:

Keep your cool

Remember that most Instagram posts are very staged. That means that of all those photos of perfect bodies and outfits, maybe 10% is genuine. Often such posts are shot in large photoshoots, involving a professional team of stylists, make-up artists, and top photographers. So nothing spontaneous.

Also, keep in mind that most of the snaps have been thoroughly polished, and a filter often has been placed over them. There are even apps that can make you look slimmer or even taller.

On top of this, let’s not forget about the fact that people can photoshop themselves somewhere nowadays, without even ever being there.

Many Instagrammers buy their likes

Do you often see a large number of likes? Since  Instagram adjusted its algorithm, many Instagrammers buy their likes, and or use special WhatsApp and Telegram groups where they share their posts and like each other's photos. So don't be fooled by all the glory on Instagram. There is a good chance that that enviable photo is not based on truth.

Take a break

Do you find yourself insecure from staring at perfect Instagram profiles? Then stop it. Don't look at a feed that makes you feel jealous; apparently it doesn't cheer you up and just makes you feel bad. What also helps is to stop following the big names on Instagram. Instead, look for some 'smaller' bloggers/artists or whatever with, say, 20 to 50 thousand followers. These profiles are a lot less commercial and often, therefore, more sincere.

Love yourself

No matter how cliché it is. Learn to love yourself. You are good as you are. And beautiful. A smile can sometimes do so much more than make-up. Don't forget, nobody is perfect and we all have our own insecurities, just like you.

Social media stress, yep, I also secretly suffer from it. Just kidding! Until next time!