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9 Night Rituals To Remove Anxiety

9 Night Rituals To Remove Anxiety

If you've ever been worried about something, you already know it's about anxiety. This is usually triggered by the thoughts you have, and sometimes your mind ends up playing tricks on you. It often happens before bed, anxiety decreases the quality of sleep, but fortunately, we have ways to reduce sleep disorders. I will share some of the things that worked for me for the past year in terms to calm my anxiety.

Talk to a close person

Whether it's a significant person in your life, a family member, or a friend you love, turn to them for comfort. The topic of discussion is not very important. It can be about your activities, what is bothering you, or even a funny image that you saw. If you don't have anything, you feel you can talk to, always a good idea to go to a specialist. The methods they use are way more efficient than all the advice a friend can give you.

Turn off all devices

It's no secret that most of us need severe technical detoxification, but this should be done, especially before bedtime. Turning off devices will eliminate the temptation to compare, over-think, and all the negative things that may come to mind from spending many hours in front of a screen. Harvard Health recommends closing the screens two to three hours before bedtime.

Read your favorite book

Choose a favorite novel and immerse yourself in an inspiring story before bed. This helps you disconnect from all the thoughts that cause anxiety.

Make time for yourself

Most of the time, we dedicate ourselves to other people and forget to make time for ourselves. Take a few minutes every night, maybe even more if you feel like it, and spend time with yourself doing what you love. Go for a walk, play with your pet, go to yoga, meditate, or adopt a new self-care routine with a new face mask or a relaxing bath.

Listen to soothing music

Music has a strong effect on us. It can provoke all kinds of feelings. It can quickly introduce you to a state of calm. Choose a playlist that makes you feel good. The feeling of anxiety can be calmed with a dance session to clear your mind. I love turning on Spotify and just light some candles. It creates such a great atmosphere, and it immediately relaxes me.

Write in a journal

A diary can be used for a wide variety of things, such as expressing personal emotions or listing your ideals. Think one night about what bothers you and write those thoughts in your journal. This relatively simple practice allows your mind to free itself and move on. Who knows, maybe that 1 million idea will come up from there...

Don't deviate from your routine

Your mind and body are built for routine, especially when it comes to sleep. Choose a reasonable bedtime and try to respect it to create a sense of peace and order. Induce your sleep through activities that you can perform consistently, such as a refreshing shower, brushing your teeth, a good night's kiss to the puppy.

Use essential oils for relaxation

Essential oils can be used for many ailments, including anxiety. Smells such as lavender, rose, and chamomile help calm the mind. You can use a few drops of your favorite oil behind your ears or an essential oil diffuser to give your rooms a relaxing scent. Use an instrument whose sounds help you relax more easily. As anxiety becomes more abundant, our thoughts can become hard to ignore. Therefore, one solution to prevent this may be to start a bedtime relaxation tool that can help remove these thoughts and replace them with constant noise. Also, if you do not have a deep sleep, the instrument will cover any noise that may wake you up.

Enjoy a cup of tea

To relax after a busy day, a cup of tea can work wonders. An anxious mind can often be combated with a hot tea, preferably drunk from your favorite mug. This ritual can be complete if you add a good book or invite over someone dear to you.

Anxiety is not a joke and should be treated seriously because, unfortunately, it can steal a few good hours of sleep. This affects our lives in many ways, including aging or making us withdrawn. Try some of these night rituals to reduce anxiety before bed. You will be able to sleep with a clear and relaxed mind.

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