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10 Ideas To Spend A Holiday ... At Home!

10 Ideas To Spend A Holiday ... At Home!

It's been a while since I read about the type of holiday you take just because you feel the need to relax. Those holidays that are not stressful to plan and don't really cost any money at all. I admit all my travel plannings are stressful and time-consuming. Sometimes, I come back, and I am even more tired than before leaving, so I need an extra weekend to relax before starting to work.

For those of you who want a quieter holiday or can't go on a winter vacation or even a holiday, an interesting idea would be to spend it at home! You may have done it often but in passive mode. The term is known as staycation / holistay / day-stay / stay-at-home vacation / nearcation and, besides the fact that it involves spending time at home, it also means spending time in the city where we live, visiting local attractions or surroundings, rather than traveling elsewhere.

This type of vacation became popular in the United States during the financial crisis of 2007-2010, taking into account the cost of a holiday abroad. If we think about it, a vacation spent at home is accompanied by minimal expenses related only to local transport, tickets to local tourist attractions or trips to restaurants.

However, even this requires a bit of planning to decide how to spend it.

Here are some ideas to spend a vacation at home :

1.    Get more sleep. Because you can afford it! A good idea would be to forget about the time for a few days and spend as much time as you want in your bed ... You can also disconnect from the devices that force you to read all kinds of notifications. You're just on vacation!

2.    Relax by reading a book in your favorite chair in an atmosphere of scented candles with exotic scents that will remind you of abroad trips.

3.    Turn your bath into a spa with aromatherapy ... A few scented oils inspired while taking a hot and foamy bathtub will do wonders!

4.    Go daily to a swimming pool to wake up, and then to a massage session.

5. Obviously, you can dedicate yourself to a shopping session every day, and you already know the cheap shops.

6.    Choose every evening a different international cuisine that you can order from many home-delivery restaurants. Create that specific atmosphere, like the one where you spend your evenings on vacation or go out if you can/want. End your evening with delicious chocolate candies accompanied by a glass of liquor or wine, if you prefer ... 

7.    Watch a cute movie every day, which you certainly do not usually do, because you will travel with your mind and transpose into the skin of the characters experiencing their happiness, which will improve your mood.

8.    Meet people you haven't seen in a long time because of routine concerns. Take them on vacation! That is, you go out together to a movie or a restaurant. Tell the story, remember the most beautiful memories together and maybe even plan a future vacation! This time together will be so relaxing and fun ...

9.    Start something new, and time wouldn't let you go. Whether you want to learn how to cook or do some yoga lessons, whatever you love, and it fills you with joy, and you will not feel how fast the time flies!

Bonus: Discover your own city and surroundings! How many museums have you visited? Or exhibitions? How many impressive buildings, parks, and places have you seen? How many restaurants and cafes did you go to? If some of your friends were coming on vacation to you and you wanted to show them their city and story, do you know where to take them and what to show them? It would be a good idea to sniff the streets of your own city, especially at times you don't usually do. You never know what you're discovering ... And take lots of pictures. A refreshing walk after breakfast or after lunch is always welcome, even in a staycation.

Of course, a general cleaning before you decide to stay home for at least a week would not hurt (don't confuse it with painting or various repairs ...) An excellent opportunity is also to replace some of the curtains, carpets, or a chandelier or to buy some decorative pillows if you wanted for some time! This is the most appropriate time. And it would not be wrong to put a bunch of flowers in each room to brighten up the atmosphere. Thus, you will have a fresh start of vacation. The purpose of this holiday spent at home is to feel better at the end of the period, disconnected from everyday stress, relaxed and rested. You may even want to repeat the experience with other occasions. But I also give you a tip: do not tell the boss that you are staying home on vacation! You never know how people in the office will be tempted to call you from time to time with questions. 

 You see, I feel the need for such a vacation, don't you? ... What ideas do you have?

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