Coronavirus Update

Updated: 1st September 2020

I am super excited to be able to welcome people to a limited workshop of beginners DIY cheese board workshops starting November 2020.

To keep us all safe, the following procedures have been put in place when you visit the workshop:

  • Class sizes will be limited and we will respect at least a 1,5 m distance at all times, including when demonstrating tools.

  • Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be available throughout the workshop.

  • There will be access to hand washing facilities with soap and paper towels.

  • Tools will be cleaned before and after use in the workshop.

  • On arrival you will be shown to your designated workbench space and given a face mask and disposable gloves.

Thank you for all your love and support through this time. I hope you are all keeping safe and well and look forward to welcoming you to the workshops soon.
